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Annotto Bay High School Business Teacher Recognised by NCB and Digicel Foundations on Teacher’s Day

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Kingston, Jamaica – May 21, 2024 – The Annotto Bay High School in St. Mary was abuzz with excitement recently, as Ronicia Robinson, a Business Teacher, was awarded first place in the 'May We Celebrate Teachers' Social Media campaign. Led jointly by N.C.B. Foundation and the Digicel Foundation, the campaign invited nominations via Instagram videos and determined winners based on the number of ‘likes’ garnered.

Miss Robinson's nomination, submitted by her grade 10 student, Nicholas Tucker, gained significant traction on Instagram, amassing over 1,600 likes. In his heartfelt video, Tucker praised his teacher for her unparalleled dedication. He said, “You are the best teacher I have ever had. I have learnt so much from you and your enthusiasm is contagious. Your advice and guidance are invaluable especially when I am struggling. You have helped me developed my academic and personal goals.”

Representatives from N.C.B. Foundation and Digicel Foundation journeyed to Annotto Bay High last Thursday to surprise Miss Robinson with the first-place prize - a cheque of $250,000 and a Dell laptop.

Expressing her gratitude, Miss Robinson shared, “I am elated and grateful. I feel more motivated than ever before to continue serving my students. I want to say a big thank you to my student, Nicholas Tucker, for nominating me."

Kayon Morrison, Manager of the NCB Port Maria branch, in congratulating Miss Robinson, shared, “We understand the impact teachers have on shaping the leaders of tomorrow and instilling the values that will guide them through life. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the students and parents who took the time to participate in this initiative. The numerous submissions affirm the solid impact educators make both in and out of the classroom.”

Jodi-Ann McFarlane, Senior Operations Manager at the Digicel Foundation, shared that she was moved by the outpouring of affection captured in Nicholas' video. "We saw the post Nicholas made, and we were taken aback by how highly he spoke about you and the work that you do," Ms McFarlane expressed. “At the Digicel Foundation, education is one of our key pillars, and so we value you and the work that you do.”

Eighteen teachers were nominated in the 'May We Celebrate Teachers' Social Media campaign. Securing second place was Miss Rennee Redwood from the Franklin Town Church of God Early Childhood Institution, while Mr. Amorkard Brown from Munro College claimed third place. The runners-up received each received Samsung tablets along with prizes of $150,000 and $100,000, respectively.

Digicel Foundation | Jamaica

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